Summer Institutes

Summer Institutes

The following are some Summer Institutes:

Epidemiology and Bio-Statistics:

  • SPIDA (Summer Program in Data Analysis) hosted at York University (Toronto) and focuses on mixed or multi-level models (longitudinal and hierarchical models).
  • Ohio State Summer Program has an excellent course on Logistic Regression and Survival Analysis.
  • University of Bristol (UK) –
  • Graduate Summer Institute of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at John Hopkins University –
  • Epidemiology and Public Health Summer Institute at Columbia University –
  • Graduate Summer Session in Epidemiology –

Systematic Reviews:

  • Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis of Health Information – hosted at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Other Domains:

  • PIMS-MPrime-CDM Summer School on Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Diseases at the University of Alberta –
  • Summer Institute in Survey Research Techniques at University of Michigan.
  • Graduate Summer Program: Deep Learning & Feature Learning –

Other Repositories of Summer Institutes:

  • Association of Schools of Public Health Summer Institutes (not complete and no European Schools) –
  • Machine Learning Summer Schools –