Computer Books and Software

Computer Books and Software


AMIGA Documentation

  • Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual : Exec
  • Amiga ROM Kernal Reference Manual: Libraries and Devices
  • AmigaDOS User Manual
  • Amiga Hardware Reference Manual
  • AmigaDOS Technical Reference Manual
  • AmigaDOS Developer’s Manual
  • Amiga Intuition Reference Manual
  • Introduction to Amiga (1986)
  • Introduction to the Commodore Amiga 500 (1987)
  • Compute – Inside Amiga Graphics (1986) 
  • Compute – Advanced Amiga Basic (1986)
  • Compute – Amiga Programmer’s Guide (1986)
  • Computer – Amiga Machine Language Programming Guide (1988)
  • The Amiga DOS Manual (1986)
  • Amiga Basic (1985) x2
  • Amiga C for Beginners (1988)
  • Amiga Programmer’s Handbook – Volume II (1987)
  • Amiga Programmer’s Handbook – Volume II (1987)
  • Amiga Enhancer Software Featuring AmigaDOS Version 1.2 (1986)
  • The Amiga System – An Introduction (1986)
  • Inside the Amiga with C (2nd) (1988)
  • Lattice C Compiler Version 4 (1987)
  • Modula-2 Manual (TDI Software)  (1986)
  • Modula-2 Reference (TDI Software) (1986)
  • The Image Companion (1991)


Amiga Programming Languages

  • Amiga Basic
  • Amiga Modula 2
  • Amiga Lattice C (Version 4.0)

Note: Disks required for Modula 2 and Lattice C


Atari Documentation

  • Atari 400/800 Personal Computer – Basic Reference Manual (1980)
  • Atari Basic (1979)
  • Your Atari Computer – A guide to Atari 400/800 personal computers (1982)


Atari Programming Languages

  • Basic Computing Language

To see version of Atari Basic:
print peek(43234)

Atari 400/800 cartridges wanted:

  • Microsoft Basic II Programming Language
  • Logo Computer Program
  • Pilot Programming Language
  • Telelink I Computer Communications
  • Assembler Editor Computer Language


NeXT Documentation

  • NeXTSTEP Programming – Step One: Object Oriented Applications (disk included) (1993)
  • NeXTSTEP Programming Interface Summary (1993)
  • Developing NeXTSTEP Applications (1995)
  • NeXTSTEP User’s Guide (1994)


Silicon Graphics (SGI) Documentation

  • SGI IRIS Workstation Series 3000 (1986)  (14 Binders in original SGI shipping box) 
  • SGI IRIS-4D Documentation (14 Binders) (1990)


Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

From: E. H. Shortliffe: 1976, /Computer-based Medical Consultation: MYCIN/, New. York: Elsevier. Page 1.

In the late 1960’s, David Rutstein wrote a monograph entitled The Coming Revolution in Medicine [Rutstein, 1967].  His discussion was based on an analysis of several serious problems for the health professions:

1) Modern medicine’s skyrocketing costs;
2) the chaos of an information explosion involving both paperwork proliferation and large amounts of new knowledge that no single physician could hope to digest;
3) a geographical maldistribution of MD’s;
4) increasing demands on the physician’s time as increasing numbers of individuals began to demand quality medical care.

  • Computer-Based Medical Consultations: Mycin (Shortliffe) (1976) 
  • Selected Topics in Medical Artificial Intelligence (1988)
  • Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (Peter Szolovits) (1979/1982)
  • Readings in Medical Artificial Intelligence – The first decade (Shortliffe) (1984)
  • S – An interactive Environment for Data Analysis and Graphics (Backer, Chambers) (1984)

Intensive Care/Critical Care Medical Informatics:

  • Decision Support Systems in Critical Care (1994)
  • Computers in Critical Care and Pulmonary Medicine (1980)  
  • Computers in Critical Care and Pulmonary Medicine Volume 2 (1982) 
  • Computers in Critical Care and Pulmonary Medicine Volume 3 (1983)
  • Computers in Critical Care and Pulmonary Medicine Volume 4 (1985)
  • Patient Data Management in Intensive Care 
  • Medical Technology Management (Space Labs Medical) (1993)
  • Choosing a Clinical Information System (Hewlett Packard) (1990)
  • Project Impact 
  • EMTEK 2000 (Motorola) (1993)


History of Computers Books


  • Racing the Beam – The Atari Video Computer System (PDF)
  • Zap – the Story of Atari


  • Amiga – The Future was Here
  • The ZX Spectrum and The Commodore 64 Book 30th Anniversary


  • Apple Confidential 2.0 The Definitive History of the World’s Most Colorful Company (PDF)
  • iCon – Steve Jobs (epub)
  • iWoz
  • Jony Ive – The Genius Behind Apple’s Greatest Products
  • Steve Jobs [Simon Schuster]
  • Steve Jobs [Walter Isaacson]
  • Steve Jobs & The Next Big Thing

DEC/Xerox/Bell Labs

  • DEC is Dead – Long Live DEC (PDF)
  • Fumbling The Future – How Xerox Invented, & Ignored the first PC (PDF)
  • Xerox – Dealers of Lightning (epub)
  • The soul of a new machine (epub)
  • The Idea Factor (Bell Labs)


  • Barbarians Led by Bill Gates – Microsoft from the Inside – How the World’s Richest Corporation Wields Its Power (1999) (PDF)
  • Paul Allen – Idea Man


  • Masters of Doom
  • Jacked – The outlaw story of Grand Theft Auto
  • Springer – A Brief History of Computing (2nd) (2012)
  • [Thesis] – Symbolics
  • The Computer – An Illustrated History from its Origins to the Present Day
  • Digital Retro – The Evolution and Design of the Personal Computer
  • Computer Engineering – A DEC View of Hardware Systems Design (1978)


Vintage Computer Magazines (PDF) 

  • Amiga Computing (001-117) Jun 1988 – Oct 1997
  • Amiga Shopper (000-071) Apr 1991 – Jan 1997
  • Atari – Page 6 (001 -085 ) Dec 1982 – Sep 1998
  • Atari User (001-043) Dec 1985 – Nov 1988
  • Byte (171 issues) Sep 1975 – Sep 1995
  • Commodore Magazine (34 issues) 1987-1989
  • Compute (Issues 001-168) 1979-1994
  • Compute Gazette (86 issues) 1983-1990
  • CUAmiga (106 issues) Mar 1990- Oct 1998
  • ST Amiga format (14 issues) Jul 1988 – Jul 1989