Computer Science

Computer Science

My interest in Computer Science varies greatly — and seems to be driven more by what problem I am trying to solve.  

My approach is more where I have a problem and I am trying to find the best tool to solve that problem.  

An example would be my interest in Patient Flow and all the technology and approaches that I’ve looked to try to solve specific aspects of this.  This has included discrete-event simulation (GPSS, Java, MedModel, Arena), agent-based simulation (Java), constraint based approaches (AMPL), visualization (dashboards, network graphs), statistics (logistic regression) and machine learning (Decision Trees, Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines, Random Forests).

Computer Science Department Rankings (World):

Algorithm Complexity

Thinking about what core skills I have and would want would be the following:

R – Functional language
Prolog – Logic based language
Domain Specific Languages:
R Statistical Langauge
GPSS (General Purpose Simulation System)
AMPL (Constraint Based)

Software Engineering:
Testing (Unit tests and functional testing)
Version Control (SVN, GitHub)
Implementation of an R package
GPGPU (General Purpose Graphical Processing Units)

Machine Learning:
Random Forests
Support Vector Machines


  • “Research is just reporting that hasn’t been optimized yet” – Yergens
  • “The amount of data generated has outstripped our ability to analyze it”
  • “The worst software developer is one that never uses the product” – Yergens
  • “Any professional that is mainly involved in dealing with information is going to be replaced by algorithms and AI,” – Codrington
  • “It is dangerous to be right in matters about which the established authorities are wrong” – Voltaire
  • Visionaries Are Almost Always Wrong”