Travels of Z

If I was to write a travel book in the style of Dark Star Safari by Paul Theroux, I would probably call it “Travels of Z” and write about all […]


The story of Epi Comics starts while talking to some classmates about whether they were going to be going to the comic book convention.  They said they weren’t sure, so […]

Web-Based R Servers (Shiny and WebReports)

Shiny is a web front-end application for R that is part of RStudio.  Shiny is licensed at $9,999/year through RStudio. I’ve been playing with it the last few days […]

Designing Survey Forms

Having conducted several surveys I’ve really thought about what kind of system I would like to have.   We use RedCap for all of our survey data collection and then […]

Hardware Emulators

Before VMWare, VirtualBox and other virtualization/emulator environments, hardware emulators were required if you wanted to run other computing environments on a different piece of hardware. Hardware EmulatorsAtari hardware running Macintosh […]

ForestRanger Version 1.0 released

Forest Ranger (2014) – ForestRanger is an application for visualizing large amount of Forest Plots generated from cross sectional surveys (i.e. Canadian Community Health Survey – CCHS).  The Forest Plot(s) report […]