Public Health Documentaries

Public Health Documentaries

If I was to design a course about public health (note: excluding dietary and food-related documentaries) — these are the movies (documentaries) and the order that I would pick. 

I would also add these documentaries to encourage smarter ways about addressing problems especially in medical related statistical analysis.  I figure if computer scientists can teach cars how to drive, then we certainly should be able to do a better (more automated) way of analyzing health related data.

AIDS/HIV Documentaries


  • DNA – Playing God (2012)
  • DNA – The Secret Of Life
  • DNA – Pandoras Box
  • DNA – The Human Race

BBC Horizon (Series)

  • BBC Horizon – SARS, The True Story (2003)
  • BBC Horizon – TB, The Forgotten Plague (1993)
  • BBC Horizon – Does The MMR Jab Cause Autism 24
  • BBC Horizon – Does The MMR Jab Cause Autism 44
  • BBC Horizon – How to live to 101 
  • BBC Horizon – Miracle Cure A Decade of the Human Genome
  • BBC Horizon – The Ghost in Your Genes 
  • BBC Horizon – Why do viruses kill 
  • BBC Horizon – Defeating Cancer (2012)
  • BBC Horizon – Defeating the Superbugs (2012)
  • BBC Horizon – The Truth About Exercise (2012)
  • BBC Horizon – The Truth About Fat (2012)
  • BBC Horizon – How to Avoid Mistakes in Surgery (2013)
  • BBC Horizon – Mend Me – A Guide to Transplants (2013)
  • BBC Horizon – Monitor Me (2013)
  • BBC Horizon – The Horizon Guide to Pandemic (2013) –
  • BBC Horizon – The Next Panademic

BBC Kill or Cure (Series)

  • Kill or Cure – Cervical Cancer – BBC Health Documentary
  • Kill or Cure – Doctors and Nurses – BBC Health Documentary
  • Kill or Cure – Pneumonia Drug Money – BBC Health Documentary
  • Kill or Cure – Taking Fakes – BBC Health Documentary
  • Kill or Cure – TB Vaccine – BBC Health Documentary
  • Kill or Cure – The Aid Traders – BBC Health Documentary

BBC Why Poverty? (8 part series)

  • BBC Why Poverty 1 of 8 Four Born Every Second (2012)
  • BBC Why Poverty 2 of 8 Give Us The Money (2012)
  • BBC Why Poverty 3 of 8 Stealing Africa (2012)
  • BBC Why Poverty 4 of 8 Park Avenue, Money, Power And The American Dream (2012)
  • BBC Why Poverty
    5 of 8 Poor Us, An Animated History Of Poverty (2012)
  • BBC Why Poverty 6 of 8 Solar Mamas (2012)
  • BBC Why Poverty 7 of 8 The Great Land Rush (2012)
  • BBC Why Poverty 8 of 8 China’s Ant People (2012)

BBC National Health Service (NHS)

  • BBC Timeshift – Health before the NHS – The Road to Recovery (1 of 2) (2012)
  • BBC Timeshift – Health before the NHS – A Medical Revolution (2 of 2) (2012)
  • BBC Keeping Britain Alive – The NHS In One Day – Season 01 – Episodes 1-7

HBO – Alzheimers Project (4 part series)

  • Alzheimer’s Project – Caregivers
  • Alzheimer’s Project – Granpa do You Know Who I Am
  • Alzheimer’s Project – The Memory Loss Tapes
  • Alzheimer’s Project – The Ultimate of Science

HBO – Weight of the Nation (Season 1 – 16 episodes)

  • Consequences
  • Choices
  • Children in Crisis
  • Challenges
  • Healthy Mom Healthy Baby
  • Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes
  • Latino Health Access
  • Nashville Takes Action
  • Heart Disease
  • Poverty and Obesity
  • Stigma
  • Overweight in the Workplace
  • Biology of Weight Loss
  • Is Weight Something We Inherit
  • Healthy Foods and Obesity Prevention
  • Obesity Research

Global Fund

  • Global Fund – A New Picture of Health
  • Global Fund – An overview
  • Global Fund – 2011 Results at a Glance

Other Documentaries

  • BBC – One Night In Bhopal (2004)
  • BBC – The Men Who Made Us Fat
  • BBC – Cambodia Surgical Ward (2010)
  • BBC – Malaria – Return to River Road
  • BBC – Panorama – Stem Cells Miracles
  • BBC – The Joy of Statistics- Hans Rosling (2010)
  • BBC In Search of Spanish Flu
  • BBC – Pain, Pus and Poison (2013)
  • BBC – The World’s Busiest Maternity Ward (2014)
  • BBC – TB: Return of the Plague /PBS – TB: Silent Killer (2013)
  • BBC – The Battle to beat Polio (2014)
  • CH4 – Secret History: Return of the Black Death (2013)
  • IBM Watson for Healthcare
  • Global Health Care Expenditures
  • Global Health Challenges in the 21st Century
  • Nurses on the Frontline – Indonesia
  • Nurses on the Frontline – Bolivia
  • I am because we are – Madonna/Malawi (2008)
  • Bangkok Girl (2005)
  • Born into Brothels (2006)
  • End of Poverty (2010)
  • Frontline – The Vaccine War (2010) –
  • Frontline – Sick Around the World (2008)
  • Frontline – Sick Around America (2009) –
  • Frontline – Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria (2013)
  • Frontline – Life and Death in Assisted Living (2013)
  • Novo – The Story of Insulin
  • PBS – Money and Medicine (2012)
  • PBS American Experience – The Poisoner Handbook (2014)
  • Up  Series – 7 Up, 7 Plus Seven, 21 Up, 28 Up, 35 Up, 42 Up, 56 Up (2007)
  • A New Breed of Doctors (ADZU-SOM)
  • A War on Science – Intelligent Design
  • Africare Malaria Documentary
  • Ebola
  • American Experience – Influenza 1918 (2005)
  • NOVA – Ebola – Plague Fighters (2007)
  • NOVA – Typhoid Mary (2005)
  • NOVA – Cracking Your Genetic Code
  • NOVA – A Walk to Beautiful (2007)
  • NOVA – Surviving AIDS (1999)
  • NOVA – Doctors’ Diaries (2009) 
  • PBS POV -The English Surgeon (2009) 
  • The Mystery of The Black Death
  • Marburg Virus – Angola
  • Drugs Inc (2010)
  • National Geographic – The Virus Hunters (2010)
  • History Channel – The Plague (2006)
  • In Search of Spanish Flu 1 of 2 – BBC Science Documentary (missing one part)
  • Vaccination – The Hidden Truth (1998)
  • Simply Raw – Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days
  • Sprinter-Burzynski (2 part series)
  • Sub-Saharan Africa The problem of sepsis in HIV positive patients (Vanderbilt talk)
  • Richard Dimbleby Lecture – Bill Gates – The Impatient Optimist (2013)
  • Escape Fire (2012)
  • Sicko (2007)
  • The Waiting Room (2012) –
  • Living in Emergency – Doctors without Borders (2008)
  • The Business of Being Born (2008)

Diet Related

  • King Corn (2007)
  • Supersize Me (2004)
  • Forks over Knives (2011)
  • Food Inc (2008)


  • Glory En
    ough for All (poor quality)
  • Life Story (1987)
  • Awakenings (1990)
  • And The Band Played On (1993)
  • Philadelphia (1993)
  • First Do No Harm (1997)
  • Angels in America (2003)
  • Florence Nightingale (2008)
  • Extraordinary Measures (2010)
  • Living in Emergency: Stories of Doctors without Borders (2010)
  • Contagion (2011)
  • Dallas Buyers Club (2013)
  • The Normal Heart (2014)

Ted Talks (need to expand a comprehensive list)

Seeking the Following Documentaries

  • Under our Skin (2008)
  • The Mosquito Problem and Other Stories (2007)
  • 9000 Needles (2009)
  • Money-Driven Medicine (2009)
  • I am alive today – History of an AIDS drug (2002) –
  • RX for Survival (2005)
  • National Geographic – Race Against the Killer Flu (2010)
  • History Channel – Toxic Agents: Viruses and Chemical and Biological Warfare – 6 hours (2008)
  • Nova: Epidemic – Ebola, AIDS, Bird Flu and Typhoid (2007)
  • PBS – Malaria: Fever Wars (2006)
  • (1964)
  • (1999)
  • (2004)
  • (2003)
  • (1958)
  • (1978)

