WebCam – vStarCam C7824WIP HD


VStarcam C7824WIP HD ($50USD)

The VStarcam C7824WIP HD looked to be interesting.  However, seems to be lacking in a few categories including the picture quality which is blurry and also seems to be limited to 640×400 through the web interface. Might be interesting for research/education – as has motion for Pan:270°,Tilt:80°; night vision; GPIO (in the web interface — nothing showing on the outside). Also, need to look at the security of these devices.  As Vint Cerf says, he fears the headline “Bank of America attacked by networked fridges” [paraphrased].


​Web Interface:

# uname -a
Linux (none) 3.0.8 #30 Tue May 27 21:58:10 CST 2014 armv5tejl GNU/Linux

Web Interface
# cd /system/www
# ls
admin.htm           images              monitor.htm         recordplay2.htm     test.txt
admin2.htm          index.htm           monitor2.htm        recordsch.htm       test_ftp.htm
alarm.htm           ip.htm              multidev.htm        resetok.wav         test_mail.htm
alarm.pcm           iphone.htm          multidev2.htm       rowscolor.js        unauth.htm
alias.htm           jquery              network-b.ini       sensordata.bin      upgrade.htm
ap.htm              linkfail.wav        network.ini         setddns.htm         upnp.htm
appver.js           linking.wav         oem.js              setstep.htm         user.htm
audio.htm           linksuccess.wav     oem.txt             setuid.htm          vfaile.wav
audioparam.bin      live.htm            pda.htm             simple_chinese
datetime.htm        log.htm             ptz.htm             snapshot.htm        video.exe
ddns.htm            login.htm           public.js           sotfLimitParam.ini  video.htm
dns.htm             logo.js             reboot.htm          status.htm          vwificonfig.wav
english             mail.htm            rebootme.htm        style.css           wificonfig.wav
ftp.htm             mime.types          recordpath.htm      system-b.ini        wireless.htm
functions.htm       mls.wav             recordplay.htm      system.ini


This is the image quality — taken using the motion detection sent to email (640×400) using the night vision.  

This is the image quality — taken using the motion detection sent to email (640×400) taking during the day.

5 thoughts on “WebCam – vStarCam C7824WIP HD

  1. i try with user: vstarcam2015 password: 20150602 << it work !!!
    i just doubt How did you know ? by the way thank a lot.

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