
WebReports V3.0

WebReports V3.0 (2006-2010).  Is a web-based analytics engine that combines several information management techniques to improve the reporting and analysis capabilities for implementing projects. At the core of WebReports (also known as Medical Informatics Technical Analysis System – MITAS) is a philosophy of accomplishing the task as soon as possible.  For example, instead of a web-based reporting system taking months to deploy, WebReports is typically deployed in 2-3 days.  Features of WebReports include:

  • Dynamic High-Level Charts (pie, bar, line, scatter, radar)
  • Dynamic Filters
  • Dashboards
  • Gantt Charts
  • Integration with Google Maps
  • Static Network Graphs
  • Dynamic network Graphs (Space Tree, Radial Tree and Hyper Tree)
  • Literature Repository
  • Integration with R (www.r-project.org)
  • R Code Library Repository
  • PDF printing
  • Automated Emailing of Reports (with day offset)
  • Query on Demand for user-derived reports

Future development ideas include:

  • Natural Language Interface
  • Clinical Fact Database
  • Addition of AMPL for Optimization utilizing Grid Computing
  • Addition of Grid Computing for Weka and R